10:30 a.m. – This Choral and Family Holy Eucharist liturgy is based on Rite II and music comes from both the renewal movement and the hymnal. People of many different ages enjoy this style of worship. This service has our Adult Choir singing. The service music reflects the theme of the lectionary readings for each Sunday. Prayers for healing are offered at this service during the serving of communion.
Masks Optional in Church:
We are opened on Sundays for our 10:30 liturgy. We are all making decisions about where we feel safe traveling and gathering. So please know, if you do not feel comfortable being in church at this time, or if you are not feeling well, we will be here when you do! All are welcome!
Grace offers weekly Taizé services at 6pm on Tuesday evenings. For many decades offered a monthly Sunday evening Taizé styled service and during that time it has become clear that this community desires to worship more often. And it has become clear that the world needs a refuge and a place of prayer for peace. The service has also moved to 6 in the evening in an effort to increase accessibility.
The Taizé styled service is modeled after the renowned community founded by Brother Roger in Taizé, France. Begun in 1940 as a refuge for war torn Europe it has grown to become a worldwide movement. These ecumenical services are known for their melodic chants and prayers. Although music forms a central part of the service it is mixed with comforting periods of silence allowing for contemplation.
Lighted mostly by candlelight in the 100+ year old stone sanctuary of Grace Church, the vesper light of approaching evening offers a safe and nurturing space for a well deserved moment of peace in our hectic lives. Healing prayer is offered throughout the service for oneself or on behalf of someone else.
If you are a regular practitioner of Taizé or are brand new to this worship style we welcome you! Please join us on Tuesdays at 6pm for forty-five minutes to an hour that is sure to refresh you, away from the busy-ness of everyday life and prepare you to offer more peace to the world. Grace is located at 871 Merrimon Avenue in North Asheville.
Grace is very pleased to offer Live video streams and recordings of every Sunday service via YouTube. Those who cannot join us in person can still enjoy the weekly service live or at a later date. Our Tech Director, Archie Clarkson, is also available by request for weddings and funerals.
Blessing of the Animals – Commemorating St. Francis of Assisi (transposed from October 4) we bless any and all creatures in our lives for whom we care.
1979 Book of Common Prayer
A great PDF version of the US Prayer Book that allows you to enter your page number request in the upper left and zoom your there —
The Revised Common Lectionary
With Links to the Lessons for Sundays and Major Holy Days From the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) (as adapted for use in Episcopal worship) —
The Lectionary
A collection of Lectionary resources for the Episcopal Church — The Lectionary readings for Sunday’s, Daily Offices, Feast Days and a whole lot more —
The Hymnal 1982 with Music and Lyrics.
Got a hymn bouncing around in your head and HAVE TO hear it? This is the place.
Visit Us
871 Merrimon Ave.
Asheville, NC 28804
Regular office hours are Monday and Thursday, 9-3 and Wednesdays 9-12 excluding holidays.
Service Times
RITE II 10:30am
Choral and Family Holy Eucharist
Taizé 6:00pm Tuesday
Ecumenical music and prayers in the Taizé tradition
Latest Sermon
- 6th Sunday After the epiphany, February 16, 2025 – Rev. RiceFebruary 16, 2025