Come and See
We are serious when we say that we are fellow seekers. Since we have finite minds and are trying to conceive of an infinite God, none of us will ever understand God fully. But, the good news is that God has chosen to self-reveal through Jesus, the Son of God. In the loving, accepting, healing presence of Jesus as He is revealed in the Gospels, we come to know this infinite God. Jesus promised an abundant life of joy to all who follow Him. We invite you to come and follow Him with us, the people of Grace Church.
We suspect you want an idea of what our parish is like. We’re an involved community who come together for worship on Sundays to give thanks to our loving God and to be nurtured for our respective ministries within the parish and the broader community. We do this within a balance of fun and seriousness.
As you click through our web site you’ll get an idea of what we’re about at Grace and we hope you’ll come visit or contact us for more information. If you’ll let us know you’re planning to visit, we’ll be watching for you to make you feel welcome and comfortable.
Your First Visit
- Currently we have a single worship service at Grace on Sunday mornings:
- A traditional service using Rite II of the Book of Common Prayer at 10:30 am with our Adult Choir.
Going back and forth between The Book of Common Prayer and The Hymnal may be challenging at first. However, please know that it becomes second nature in a short time.
- Please sign our guest book or a Welcome Card from the pew if you would like for us to follow up with you by telephone or email.
- You are invited to stay after worship for a cup of coffee or lemonade which will be available in the foyer off of the parking lot behind the church.
- Feel free to attend any of our parish activities listed under Current Events. We invite you to make worshiping with us weekly a helpful habit in your life and part of your commitment to Christ.
Our church is located at 871 Merrimon Ave. in North Asheville. You can take the Merrimon Avenue exit off of I-240 and travel north (away from town) for about two miles. We’re on the east corner, on your right two stoplights beyond the McDonald’s restaurant on Merrimon. It’s a beautiful gray stone church with red doors of welcome.
Visit Us
871 Merrimon Ave.
Asheville, NC 28804
Regular office hours are Monday and Thursday, 9-3 and Wednesdays 9-12 excluding holidays.
Service Times
RITE II 10:30am
Choral and Family Holy Eucharist
Taizé 6:00pm Tuesday
Ecumenical music and prayers in the Taizé tradition
Latest Sermon
- 3rd Epiphany Sunday, January 26, 2024 – Rev. RiceJanuary 26, 2025