How do the people of Grace dress to come to worship?
By in large, the people of Grace dress comfortably to come to worship from business casual to casual. Some people dress up to come to church. But everyone seems comfortable to let others dress as they wish.
Is it okay for guests to receive Holy Communion?
All who seek God and are drawn to Christ are most welcome to receive the bread and wine of Holy Communion.
What if I would prefer not to receive the wine from the common cup but would still like to have the bread?
You may receive the bread which is counted as full communion and then cross your hands over your chest when the person comes with the cup and he or she will pass you by.
How do I join Grace Church?
You tell one of the priests that you would like to join. If you have not been baptized, we will arrange a time for you to be baptized. If you have been baptized in any other Christian tradition, we will record the date of your baptism in our parish register. Before our Bishop visits on a Sunday morning, we will prepare you for Confirmation with a series of classes. The Bishop will confirm you by placing his hands on your head and praying for the strengthening of the Holy Spirit during the Confirmation service on a Sunday morning. You will be a baptized member of Grace until you become a confirmed member by Confirmation.
Is the parish a wheel chair accessible facility?
Both the Nave or worship area and the parish hall are wheel chair accessible. The parish hall has a lift to the lower floor classrooms and meeting spaces and to the Urban Memorial Garden.
What are the times of the worship services?
We have one Sunday morning Eucharist at 10:30, and a Tazie style service every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.
Is there a Nursery available on Sundays?
Yes, the nursery is a bright, welcoming, and entertaining environment for our little ones, with a watchful eye on safety. We have stories, toys, games, puzzles, crayons and snacks. We also have child-friendly bathroom facilities and a well-stocked diaper changing area. The nursery is normally staffed with two people. Children from infancy to age three are welcome in the nursery, although some of the 3 year olds may enjoy the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd held during the Sunday School hour 9:30 a.m. to 10:25 a.m. –
The Nursery is located at the west end of the lower level of the parish hall, accessed by either stairway or the lift. Parents are welcome to stay with their child in the nursery as needed. The nursery is a suite of two adjoining rooms plus a bathroom, allowing us to provide a quiet space for nursing or napping (rockers and cribs) as well as more energetic activities.
There is no charge for use of the nursery. The nursery is staffed on Sundays beginning with 9:00 service through the late service. The nursery is not staffed during the early service. Childcare can also be arranged for special events, as requested.
Is the Church available for weddings and memorial services?
The Church is available for weddings and memorial services for members at nominal charge and for a fee from outside Christian groups.
Call Valerie Heavens, our office manager for details at 828-254-1086.
What is the average Sunday attendance?
On average around 100+ people attend our services.
What does the Episcopal Church teach about Jesus Christ?
See Outline of the Faith in The Book of Common Prayer, found under “God the Son” on page 849.
The members of Grace Church, who are they and what are they like?
The members of Grace Church are young and old and come from all walks of life. They live in all parts of the Asheville area. They are delighted when newcomers wish to be a part of Grace Church.
What is the Episcopal Church’s teaching regarding the LGBT+ community?
The Episcopal Church teaches that members of the LGBT+ community are children of God just like everyone else. All people are welcome in The Episcopal Church and at Grace Church.
Visit Us
871 Merrimon Ave.
Asheville, NC 28804
Regular office hours are Monday and Thursday, 9-3 and Wednesdays 9-12 excluding holidays.
Service Times
RITE II 10:30am
Choral and Family Holy Eucharist
Taizé 6:00pm Tuesday
Ecumenical music and prayers in the Taizé tradition
Latest Sermon
- 6th Sunday After the epiphany, February 16, 2025 – Rev. RiceFebruary 16, 2025