What is Pastoral Care?
Making the compassionate presence of Christ known through intentional connection and through the physical and spiritual care of those in need.

Friends In Christ
“Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassion on this world.” – St. Teresa of Avila
In every faith community, there are parishioners who, for various reasons, are no longer able to participate in the life of the church. There is a ministry at Grace, called Friends in Christ, which helps to address these needs. The link to the parish with our home-bound friends is accomplished through brief visits as well as an occasional handwritten note or a phone call. This is a ministry of presence whereby a lay person commits to make a brief 30-minute, per-arranged monthly visit for a year. A “Friend in Christ” comes in the name of Christ on behalf of our Parish, not as one who will counsel, solve problems, and do tasks or errands for the parishioner, but as a friend. The blessings that you will receive in this ministry will far surpass the time you will spend. If you have not yet found your ministry, please consider making a commitment to become a Friend for a year. Training is provided.

Transportation Ministry
This ministry is not often utilized but there is a real need on occasion for someone to provide medical transportation. Call the Parish Office if this is a ministry you might enjoy.

Cards and Calls
A card from your friends at Grace means so much. Another part of this ministry is the phone call you will receive on your birthday.

Prayer Shawl Ministry
Alive and well, this powerful ministry is meeting in the Edwards Library on the third Thursday of the month at 5pm to make prayer shawls for friends and family. Yarn, needles and instruction will be provided as needed.

Feed My Sheep
This ministry, with dedicated coordinators, continues to flourish by providing soup to those who are ill or may appreciate an occasional meal. Call the Parish Office if you have questions, would like soup or want to help.
Please call the Parish Office at 828-254-1086 or email Pastoral care@GraceAVL.com if you have any questions, would like to participate or want to know more about any of these ministries.
Visit Us
871 Merrimon Ave.
Asheville, NC 28804
Regular office hours are Monday and Thursday, 9-3 and Wednesdays 9-12 excluding holidays.
Service Times
RITE II 10:30am
Choral and Family Holy Eucharist
Taizé 6:00pm Tuesday
Ecumenical music and prayers in the Taizé tradition