Annual Pledge Commitment

Thank you for helping us be Good Stewards of Grace Episcopal Church! 

A pledge is a commitment to ongoing giving that makes the management and utilization possible. Pledging is also our way as individuals and families to center giving in a consistent and intentional way. A pledge is not an afterthought, when we have abundance; a pledge is the acknowledgment of the abundance we have and is setting the intention to share it with the community we are called to steward. The amount of our pledges will vary and the amount is less important than the action of making the commitment and stating our intentions to engage as a good steward. When we pledge giving becomes a habit and a practice that can deepen our relationship with Grace and with God. It is a practice of abundance and gratitude.

And abundance and gratitude are indeed something to celebrate.

Please click on, complete and submit the pledge form below.

2025 Annual Pledge Form

In the meantime if you have any questions or concerns please contact:

Parish Office Manager
Katherine Johnson 828-254-1086     or email the office here.

For convenient electronic giving banking information please contact the church office.

Shining Christ’s Light, Sharing Christ’s Love, Making God’s Love Visible