The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments with the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books of the Old Testament
New Revised Standard Version The Bible
An extensive Bible resource site offering search and study avenues utilizing all the major translations —
Daily meditation on the lectionary readings.
An extensive online resource to the Bible
The Easton Bible Dictionary On Line
Easy to use Bible dictionary with concise descriptions and explanations.
Got a tongue twister, look it up and hear it spoken correctly.
Lots of resources on all aspects of the Bible.
A comprehensive, up to date, annotated directory of good academic New Testament internet resources. Clear, easy to navigate, and fast-loading.
Why its part of the Bible.
Christian Classics Etheral Library
Classic Christian books in electronic format, selected for your edification. There is enough good reading material here to last you a lifetime.
The Episcopal Church: Welcome!
The Diocese of Western North Carolina
Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD)
A compassionate response of the Episcopal Church to human suffering in the world.
1979 Book of Common Prayer
A great PDF version of the US Prayer Book that allows you to enter your page number request in the upper left and zoom your there —
The Lectionary
A collection of Lectionary resources for the Episcopal Church — The Lectionary readings for Sunday’s, Daily Offices, Feast Days and a whole lot more —
The Revised Common Lectionary Comments
A mega-site everything lectionary.
The Lectionary Page
Another Lectionary resource site for the Episcopal Church
The Text This Week
An amazing site chock full of everything you could want to know about the week’s readings
Calendar of the Church Year according to the Episcopal Church
Complete year of Lesser Feasts and Fasts as well as Holy Days — Great explanations with lectionary readings and collects.
The Book of Common Prayer
On-line Books of Common Prayer — Provides lots of links to many editions and formats from PDF to Palm Pilot —
EFM Home Page
The website for University of the South’s Education for Ministry, a lay person’s four year program of seminary study.
The Episcopal News Service
The latest news from the Episcopal Church USA.
The Anglican Communion News Service
The latest news from the world wide Anglican Communion.
Directory of Episcopal Churches
Click on the province and see list for churches and their web site links if available.
The Archbishop of Canterbury
His own web site with lots of info and links.
The Red Book Directory
Links to directories of Episcopal churches, institutions and organizations.
National Episcopal Cursillo
Cursilo helps to renew and deepen Christian commitment.
Happening is a Christian experience presented by teenagers for teenagers with the help of clergy and lay adult leadership.
A witness of God’s inclusive love to the Episcopal Church and the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community.
Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars
Leave a question about the Bible to be answered by an AABS member via e-mail.
The Episcopal Café
A thorough Episcopal blog covering the gamut of topics.
All things Presbyterian.
All things United Methodist.
Missouri Synod of the Lutheran Church
Connects readers to the Lutheran Bible Translators, a group devoted to Bible translation and literacy work around the world.
All you could want to know or learn about Taize.
Global Jewish Information Network
Maintained by the Global Jewish Information Network, this site gives you access to about two dozen links involving Torah and Talmudic research.
A clearinghouse of information about the Catholic Church, including links to the Catholic Encyclopedia, the Vatican News Service, the complete Summa Theologica, and much more.
The Hymnal 1982 with Music and Lyrics
Got a hymn bouncing around in your head and HAVE TO hear it? This is the place.
Lots of Midi Files to listen to.
No description will do this site justice, You must visit to appreciate. Tunes, texts, hymnals (5,000+), people and way more.
Music and prayers from Taizé.
That’s right where else do you put a book store than under FUN!
And our own unofficial diocesan bookstore right across the street.
Daily cartoons with a message.
The Library of Congress’s exhibit of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
The Jewish Roman World of Jesus
Dr. James D. Tabor, professor of religious studies at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, provides information on a variety of topics including Hellenistic/Roman religion and philosophy, archaeology and the Dead Sea Scrolls, Christian Origins and the New Testament and ancient Israel.
If you have a favorite related link feel free to submit it for inclusion by sending a message to our contact form.
Visit Us
871 Merrimon Ave.
Asheville, NC 28804
Regular office hours are Monday and Thursday, 9-3 and Wednesdays 9-12 excluding holidays.
Service Times
RITE II 10:30am
Choral and Family Holy Eucharist
Taizé 6:00pm Tuesday
Ecumenical music and prayers in the Taizé tradition
Latest Sermon
- Fourth Sunday in Lent, March 30, 2025 – Rev. RiceMarch 30, 2025