Grace holds Sunday Worship Services at 10:30 a.m. Please Join Us!

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We invite you to make Grace your spiritual home.
Together we can grow in spirit and service.
Our worship services and Christian formation meetings are held
at the corner of Merrimon Avenue and Ottari Street in North Asheville .  .  .
Our ministry is in the World.

The Life of Grace


6th Sunday After the epiphany, February 16, 2025 – Rev. Rice

Upcoming Dates for Your Calendar:

March 2: Training for Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) following worship; this is for both current and new LEMs)

March 4: Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, 5:30 p.m. in the parish hall

March 5: Ash Wednesday worship services at 12:00 noon and at 6:00 p.m.

March 8-13: Visiting volunteers from Emory will be our guests at Grace as they help with Hurricane Helene recovery efforts in our community

March 12-April 6: “Does Jesus Still Heal  Today?” Lenten soup suppers and classes facilitated by Fr. John Rice 

March 15: Clean-Up Day at Grace, 9:00 a.m. until noon

March 30: Annual Meeting

Monday morning Bible Study meets via ZOOM at 10:30 a.m.
ZOOM link and other details are available by clicking here.

Grace’s Taizé styled service is weekly on Tuesday evenings at 6pm.
Please join us for a quiet respite from the busy-ness of our world.
Click here for more information about Taizé.

Sunday Holy Eucharist Services at 10:30 a.m.

Sunday In-Person Services are now open to all (Masks are optional). Services will also be LiveStreamed, accessible through the Grace Church Asheville YouTube Channel, found  HERE. Access the service bulletins through links at the top of our home page, or in the description of each service.

Safe Shelter

Safe Shelter is a collaboration between Trinity United Methodist Church, Grace Covenant Presbyterian, Grace Episcopal Church and Counterflow.  We provide twenty beds for our community’s unsheltered on a nightly basis. Ten of these beds are reserved for intact families, meaning that families with children no longer need to choose between staying together or accessing shelter.

For All Shelter Information Click Here
Volunteer and/or Provide a Meal Sign-Up
Volunteer Tasks and Special Projects Sign-Up
Make a Donation

Please consider volunteering or donating a meal at Safe Shelter. We would love for you to join us for a family-style dinner any day of the week.

Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday, 2:00 p.m.-8:00 a.m. with dinner served at 5:30 p.m.,
and Saturday/Sunday, 2:00 p.m.-8:00 a.m. with dinner served at 6:30 p.m.
Drop in Hours: – Monday-Friday, 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

The EPISCOPAL PUBLIC POLICY NETWORK (EPPN) is a grassroots effort of
The Episcopal Church’s Office of Government Relations (OGR) to educate, equip and engage
individual Episcopalians in federal public policy advocacy, guided by
the resolutions of the General Convention and the Executive Council.
Click the icons below to explore and sign up for alerts by registering here.

“We are told by the rulers of our day that the rich shall be first; that compassion is a weakness; that we should regard the migrants and strangers among us with fear and contempt. But I ask us all to see that our true citizenship is in God’s kingdom, where the meek shall inherit the earth, the merciful shall receive mercy, and the captives shall go free.”
— Archbishop Sean Rowe

“Welcoming the stranger is not a political act—it’s a sacred obligation. When immigrants walk through our church doors, they’re not entering as outsiders; they are stepping into the heart of our faith, where their dignity and stories are embraced as reflections of God’s love.”
— Julia Ayala Harris, president of The Episcopal Church’s House of Deputies.

Advocate For Refugees

Oppose Mass Deportations

Protect Dreamers

Say “No” to Expanding Detention

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